Saturday, February 16, 2013

A signpost

Not yet old, but no longer young, after the mother and before the crone, she is now a Queen . Still active, creative and passionate, the Queen is tempered with an earned wisdom that has come with her experiences. She has faced and overcome obstacles, limitations and life lessons - now assuming her power and accepting full responsibility for her life, dreams, fulfillment and happiness. She is the Queen of herself, the mature monarch, the sole sovereign of her own destiny.
(Queen Mama Donna Henes - The Queen of MY Self)

The fire still burns


I haven't written on this blog in a long time.  It doesn't mean that I haven't written at all, but I have been apprehensive about sharing here.  But it does not mean that I don't write.  Besides the ongoing story lines that run through my head, like a manic marathon training event, I have been journaling.  A safe haven for the deep thoughts that have been tumbling about my subconcious.
Last summer I had such wonderful adventures that I wanted to share.  Pictures of our journeys with kids and g'kids.  But I couldn't make myself type
But a dam has broke and the fire that has been burning within has been stoked and I want to do what feeds my soul and makes my heart happy.
I have something to say and want to say it here.  The place I created for myself.  A room of my own, so to speak.